August 11th, 2002

I married my best friend.

Danielle was 8. She read her first poem at our wedding.

Love is like two rooms

Two Happy Rooms

Love is like a horse and a cow together

A happy horse and cow

Love is like a person and a puzzle together

A happy person and a puzzle

That is why we celebrate this day

To show our love and out thankfulness to others.

~Danielle Hines

From Ken to Becky

Just like that

Song we’ll dance to,

Saved in my heart

For this very day.

It is not what is said

But, in context, how it is said.

“It’s been you” guiding me.

Turned around, saved, changed

From bachelor to father-figure

Just like that.

Love, in context with

Something more has taken

Precedence in us.

My present happiness, beyond all

Past joys to this very moment.

Beyond romantic lines and happy endings.

I want our lives to be

Just like that.

From Becky to Ken

Never in my wildest dreams

would I have thought

that I would ever meet

a soul as beautiful as you.

If someone would’ve told me

that in my future an angel

would drop from the sky into my world,

I wouldn’t have believed them,

even if they were psychic.

The things you speak of,

your thoughts, the way you express

and share your emotions –

all blend perfectly with

how I’ve always longed to feel.

If there is, indeed

“somebody for everybody”

in this great big place,

my “someone”

has arrived.

Expression of intent

The little things are the big things

It is never being too old to hold hands

It is remembering to say “I love you” at least once a day

It is at no time taking the other for granted

It is to stand by your side and to sleep in your arms

It is doing things for each other

It is forming a love that gathers in the whole family

It is flexibility, patience, and a sense of humor

It is understanding and never wanting to be apart

It is Something More

I want to marry you.


I Ken/Becky take you Becky/Ken

To be my wife/husband

And my best friend

On this day,

I promise to love and honor you

In sickness and in health

In joy and sorrow,

Through good times and bad.

I promise to share my heart,

Mind and soul with you

And to keep laughter and joy in our lives.

I will encourage you

To achieve your goals and dreams

And vow to love and cherish you

As long as we both shall live


Rosemary was my friend. She started out as my Avon customer. A nice elderly lady I would look forward to visiting every two weeks when I would deliver her order. Our friendship went on for a few years then we moved to Texas. While I have been living in Texas, she passed away from a stroke. I keep in touch with her daughter and we let each other know how we are doing.

I have been thinking about her a lot lately. I have often thought that since I lost my grandparents when I was pretty young that I seem to create a bond or friendship with elderly people. I guess I miss my grandparents. May they all REST IN PEACE.

With this said, I got a fish the other day. It is a female beta colored like a peacock. She is beautiful. I named her Rosemary.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” (Hamlet, iv. 5.)

Bittersweet Spring 2011

Bittersweet Spring 2011

As I look back at pictures I took a couple of weekends ago, I feel such a bittersweet emotion coming from deep in my heart. It has been 6 months since we lost Amanda and Adrian. I know many of us think about them daily and always will. They will never be forgotten and sweet memories surround us, but as I watched Danielle playing in the lake, I saw that she has reached a place of peace after the tragedies. It was nice to see her smile again. I, in turn, felt peace knowing this. I also felt peace knowing that as the sun set, Amanda and Adrian were watching over us. I could feel them in the beautiful sky on this evening.  Please enjoy the pictures in this slide. It was a bittersweet start to our spring/summer, but it will go on. For all of you that has lost someone close, time is the hardest thing to wait for, but time will heal eventually. Love to Pam and Irene, I wrote this for you.

Bittersweet Spring 2011

Mental Day Trip 3-19-11 Part 3

After leaving Pedernales Falls we drove into Burnet, TX and found Falkenstein Castle. This is a private residence but they rent out the castle for wedding parties and private events. Someday I would like to get a look and photograph inside. I hear it is gorgeous.

Mental Day Trip 3.19.11 Part 1

Occasionally when we have some free time, Ken and I like to go on what we call a Mental Day Trip.  This past Saturday we drove north to explore. Danielle and Marley Dog went with us. We had a great day. I wish Jesse had been there, but he had other plans. We hiked to the falls and Danielle and Marley Dog were checking out the river. Pedernales Falls is beautiful.

To My Children

I love you more than you will ever know.

These things that weigh heavy on your heart

How can I take the burdens away

When you would fall down and cry

I would pick you up

But you are not little anymore

Your mind is becoming your own

You are beginning to find yourselves

Letting you grow is so hard to do

Please let me pick you up right now

Let me hold you

You are still my babies

And your hurt is my hurt

Your pain is my pain

Please trust me to be there when you fall.

©2010 T.I.E.


I love my Niece, Sarah. I wrote this a couple years ago.

I used to play on Myspace blogs where someone would post a picture and you had to create a poem from it.

“Pic N Poem.  Here is the picture I wrote the poem from. Artist Unknown.


Sarah was two


Running all

Around the house

Hollering “I wanna hode you”

Jumping with

Arms outstretched

Never denying a hug

Embracing love

©Becky~Lynne 3/30/2008

Aunt Becky with Billy and Sarah